Author: Doug Wright

Abraham Lincoln

A Man Who Never Gave Up Abraham Lincoln was an amazing man, remembered for his forward-thinking political beliefs, his steady hand during the American Civil War and his many outstanding speeches. He led the northern States through the American Civil War and its accompanying moral, constitutional, and political crises. The result was to preserve the Union, abolish slavery, strengthen the federal government, and modernise the economy. “We forget the huge personal and political struggles Lincoln had to cope with throughout his lifetime.” We look at these achievements today and marvel at his progressive beliefs and policies, and yet we forget the...

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Turia Pitt – Champion of Champions

By Doug Wright   If Turia Pitt’s last few years were described in a novel, most readers would find her story hard to believe. And yet, this indomitable woman has survived against overwhelming odds, now devoting her life to humanitarian and motivational work. Turia Pitt was competing in an ultra-marathon through Western Australia’s Kimberley region in September 2011 when she was trapped in a bushfire. She suffered burns to 65% of her body and had four fingers on her left hand and her right thumb amputated. She was told she would never run again. Her recovery was long, painful and debilitating. She wore a compression...

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Dame Nellie Melba and Tony Robbins

Never Giving Up By Doug Wright At first glance it seems that Dame Nellie Melba and Tony Robbins have absolutely nothing in common. One is a famous Australian opera singer and the other an American motivational speaker, personal finance instructor and self-help author. However, both came from family backgrounds that seemed unpromising and rose to become top of their game through sheer persistence, hard work and a knack for doing the right thing at the right time. Helen Porter Mitchell, (later Nellie Melba, the name crafted from ‘Helen’ and ‘Melbourne’), was born in 1861 at Richmond, near Melbourne. She...

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A Mountain of a Man vs A Man on a Mountain

By Doug Wright The late, great Muhammad Ali was one of the most celebrated sporting icons of the last century, and one of the greatest boxers of all time. He began training to be a boxer when he was just twelve years old, and swiftly rose through the ranks, with his first gold medal win at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. His conversion to Islam and subsequent refusal to be conscripted into the Vietnam War, as well as his staunch refusal to be seen as lesser or secondary to the white majority, made him a source of inspiration...

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